Thursday, January 16, 2014
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Word from Ryan
We were thrilled to hear from Ryan yesterday! Here is an excerpt from his e-mail.
"My first meal here was a sandwich that only consisted of bread and meat. I had to go to the salad bar in order to get cheese and lettuce. This definitely isn't America! haha
I miss all of you guys so much! This week has been so busy, and I have learned so much! We were all given an investigator to teach, and our first lesson with her was last Saturday. It was horrible! My companion, Elder Boswell from Canada, and I definitely weren't prepared. That night we were taught how to make effective lesson plans and given techniques to use while teaching. I definitely wish that I had that the first time around because our second lesson was amazing! Her name is Natalie, and she has never believed in God but has always hoped that there was one. We focused our entire first lesson on how much God loved her and what she has to do to figure out that he is here. It was so powerful. The Spirit definitely did it's job because the next time we arrived she was beaming and told us that she was reading The Book of Mormon! That is such an amazing thing to hear as a missionary! This experience has been so great, and I've only just begun!
The other Elders in my district are so cool! We have people from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, Spain, France, Canada, and Ecuador - so many different parts of the world, and we are all here for the same purpose! And for those of you that don't know our purpose, here it is, "To invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End."
I found that the hardest part of my week has been today. We usually have classes and study time from 7:30-9:30 so we're are constantly doing something and don't have time to think about anything else. Today we don't have classes until six. This makes me think of home and everyone that I left behind.
Everything here is so different. Every time I look out my window, I freak out that someone is driving on the wrong side of the road.
I love and miss all of you! Have a great week!"
As always, we are so thankful for our sweet Ryan. He has such a love for others and will bless those he encounters on his mission tremendously!
WWWeeee lllllooooovvvveee Eeeelllllddddeeerrrr BBBooooooosssss!!
We heard from our missionary! When he first arrived in England he had some comical keyboard issues, and this what we got from him on the 9th. :)
HHeeyy!! FFoorr ssoommee rreeaassoonn tthhiiss kkeeyybbooaarrdd ddooeess ddoouubbllee lleetttteerrss. ssoooooooooo ssoorryy aabboouutt tthhaatt... II hhooppee aallll iiss wweellll tthheerree!! II mmiissss yyoouu gguuyyss ssoo mmuucchh!! TThhee fflliigghhtt ffrroomm ttuuccssoonn ttoo cchhiiccaaggoo wwaass ttoorrttuurree!! II ssoommeeoonnee ggoott ssttuucckk rriigghhtt nneexx ttoo aa ccrryyiinngg bbaabbyy. TThhee fflliigghhtt ttoo EEnnggllaanndd wwaass ddeellaayyeedd aanndd tthhee fflliigghhtt iisseellff ffeell lliikkee aa lliiffeettiimmee. II rreeaallllyy lliikkee aallll ooff tthhee EEllddeerrss aanndd SSiisstteerrss hhaatt II hhaavvee eennccoouunntteerreedd. TThheeyy hhaavvee ggiivveenn mmee tthhiiss ttiimmee ttoo eemmaaiill yyoouu gguuyyss aanndd lleett yyoouu kknnooww tthhaatt ii aarrrriivveedd ssaaffeellyy. IItt iiss ssoo bbeeaauuttiiffuull hheerree aanndd II sswweeaarr tthhaatt tthheerree aarree sshheeeepp oonn eevveerryyootthheerr ffiieelldd. OOhh aanndd iitt wwaass rraaiinniinngg aa wweeeeeeeeee bbiitt oonn tthhee wwaayy ttoo tthhee MMTTCC. KKeeeepp mmee uuppddaatteedd oonn eevveerryytthhiinngg tthhaatt hhaappppeennss!! II lloovvee aanndd mmiissss yyoouu!!
--EEllddeerr BBooss
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Off he goes!
After a beautiful blessing in which Ryan was set apart as a full time missionary, we bid farewell to our brave Elder Bos this morning. It was extremely difficult to watch him leave, but we are elated and so proud as he embarks on this journey of service. He had a layover today in Chicago and is flying to England as I type this! We will keep all his dear friends and family up to speed on his adventures through this blog as we receive his e-mails. Thank you to everyone who has shown us such unwavering support!
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